Curated Matching

Customized coaching for your unique journey

At Skye, we believe that executive coaching is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. Every leader is unique, and so are their needs, aspirations, and goals. That’s why we take a meticulous approach to curated matching, ensuring that our leaders receive the personalized guidance they need to excel in their executive roles.

Our Matching Process

What we take into account

What sets Skye’s approach to coach curation apart is our commitment to integrating a detailed coach taxonomy with human intuition. We don’t just rely on algorithms; we use our comprehensive Skye Survey to build a detailed and holistic profile of each leader.

We delve deep into the leader’s role within the organization. We want to know the ins and outs, the challenges, and the responsibilities that come with their position. By understanding their role thoroughly, we can ensure that the coaching they receive is laser-focused on their specific needs.

Growth is at the heart of what we do. We identify the areas where leaders want to grow and develop. Whether it’s honing leadership skills, improving communication, or mastering change management, we leave no stone unturned in uncovering their growth objectives.

We align our coaching with the broader goals of the leader’s business unit. By understanding the company’s strategic objectives, we ensure that coaching is not only personally enriching but also contributes to the organization’s success.

Leaders are unique, and so are their personalities. We ask leaders to describe their personality traits, work style, and communication preferences. This insight helps us match them with a coach whose approach, coaching style and demeanor align with their individuality.

Our survey also invites leaders to outline their vision of an ideal coach. This might include specific coaching styles, industry experience, or personal attributes they believe would be most effective for their growth journey.

No detail is too small. Leaders can include any specific requests or preferences they have for their coaching experience. Whether it’s a particular focus area, preferred meeting times, or even language proficiency, we take every request seriously.

How it works

The Skye Matching Process

Skye’s curated matching process is designed to provide both a micro perspective of the individual getting coached and a macro perspective of their company and larger business goals. We believe that by considering all these factors, nothing remains in isolation, allowing for a holistic approach to executive coaching that truly drives excellence.

1. Match Curation

The journey begins with our dedicated team of experts who meticulously curate matches. We take the time to understand each leader’s unique needs, aspirations, and goals. Whether through a comprehensive survey or a personalized call, we leave no stone unturned in getting to know our clients and use that information to curate a pool of potential coaches.

2. Collaborative Match Review

Our commitment to customized coaching extends beyond individual leaders. As a step before any individual leaders are onboarded, we engage in a collaborative match review to ensure individual and business goal alignment. We firmly believe that decision-making should be a collaborative effort, safeguarding the interests of both the individual and the organization, and ensuring that no coaching journey begins in isolation.

3. Complimentary Consultations

Once matches are approved, leaders are set to begin their complimentary consultations. While Skye offers a carefully curated pool of seasoned executive coaches, we recognize that personal chemistry and shared values are crucial in a coaching relationship. By offering complimentary consultations with three handpicked matches, leaders have the opportunity to engage directly with potential coaches.

4. Coach Selection

When a leader discovers a coach they believe aligns with their goals and vision, the decision is theirs to make. This empowers leaders, ensuring they have the ultimate say in selecting the coach who best resonates with their unique needs and aspirations.

Finding the Perfect Match

We leverage data to identify potential matches, and our team of experts reviews and refines these selections to ensure a perfect fit. It’s a process that’s as much art as it is science, resulting in coaching relationships that are harmonious, effective, and transformational.

Your Path to Executive Excellence Starts Here

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