The leadership
acceleration platform

A collection of notes from our community

“During our bi-weekly sessions, my coach helped me to build self-confidence by unspooling negative narratives I had formed surrounding my early work experiences. Together, we created new, empowering narratives through meditation, reflection exercises, and weekly goals. Armed with new confidence and purpose, I feel ready to tackle the next chapter in my career at AmBev.”
Rebecca Law
Brand Manager, Anheuser-Busch InBev
"Just being able to chat through my professional (and in turn emotional) journey as a young adult with someone I admire has been incredibly empowering for me in itself."
Skye Community Member
"We work together to turn my blind spots into clearer vision. I'm finding my inner strength through reflective discussions to make a greater impact."
Skye Community Member
“I’m starting to learn to flow with the things that I’m excited about rather than make decisions out of a place of fear. I quite literally would be a human knot of anxiety without her coaching me through this.”
Skye Community Member
“Thanks to Tory, I've been able to identify my burn out and solution by requesting a paid sabbatical from my company which was not a benefit previously. Tory has helped me to realize how judgmental I am of myself and transition that judgment to curiosity, which will serve me as I embark on this journey of self discovery with Tory as my guide.”
Skye Community Member
“Thank you both for everything you've built with Skye. Jenna has been literally life changing so am so thankful I met her through what you've built.”
Skye Community Member
"Coaching has had such a profound impact on me that I want to return the favor to others. I 100% believe I will coach more formally at some point in my life, but there's always opportunities to do it on a daily basis with family, friends, and of course coworkers. Not only did I get a coach, I got what I see to be a life-long friendship"
Skye Community Member
"I've had two consults with Skye clients in the past two days and both were so thoughtfully tailored to exactly the type of clients I love working with. One of them even said that you had told him I was the perfect coach for him and that is absolutely true."
Skye Community Member
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